Bowser Minich Pet Crematory
Contact Information

498 Ben Franklin Rd. South
Indiana, PA 15701
About Bowser Minich Pet Crematory
Pet friendly environment that welcomes pets of all types
24/7 on-call transport of your deceased pet to our facility
A funeral consultant to help you through the choices available to memorialize your pet
Funeral and memorial services
Viewing rooms for private time to say goodbye to your pet
On-site crematory
Private cremation with a pet identification number tagging system
Windows in our viewing rooms to witness, if you wish, your pet?s cremation
Many choices of pet-appropriate caskets and engraveable urns
Keepsake and wearable memorials, such as jewelry that can be sealed with the cremains or fur clippings of your beloved pet
Grief counseling and ?service after the service? follow-on support for you and your family
Grief information for you and your family
Educational materials and support for children to help handle perhaps the first encounter with the death of a loved-one
Resource library